Canadian Tutor Standards Application

Review Process  

The Review Process relies on the Learning Specialist community, particularly those with experience in the design and delivery of tutor programs.  This process is free. However, in order to submit a program for accreditation, the institution must commit to performing two reviews for every program they wish to be accredited.  This work may be shared by the members of the submitting group as they see fit. 

Steps of the process are outlined below: 
  1. Institute or Centre A, decides to seek accreditation for a program. They may access past reviews through application to the Canadian Tutor Standards (CTS) Accreditation Committee in order to understand the process. 
  2. The applicant completes the Accreditation Application Document  and submits it by email to the chair. (See Application Process for more information).
  3. The Chair of the CTS Accreditation Committee reviews the application and checks for suitability for review. If the application is suitable, the Chair allocates the form to two reviewers. Reviewer 1 (R1) and Reviewer 2 (R2) have different roles (Reviewer 2 is likely to be the less experienced of the reviewers). Successful applicants become reviewers, and are expected to act as R1 for at least one program and R2 for at least one other. 

      The reviewers complete an initial review independent of each other. 

  1. R1 contacts R2; they meet or phone to discuss the application. The reviewers decide if they need additional information from the applicant and request as necessary. If possible, they agree on an outcome: 
  • Accept without changes
  • Suggest minor revisions
  • Suggest major changes
  • Reject
  • If there is no agreement, R1 and R2 submit their response back to the Chair who allocates a 3rd Reviewer drawn from the Accreditation Committee. The 3rd reviewer breaks the deadlock. 
  1. R1 informs the applicant of the outcome of the reviewers’ discussion and arranges a meeting with the reviewers and the applicant if appropriate. It is within the discretion of  the applicant whether they wish to meet. 
  2. After the meeting, R1 informs the CTS Accreditation Committee of the outcome of the process. 
  3. The Chair of the CTS Accreditation Committee updates the spreadsheet Record of Accreditation to reflect the outcome. 
  4. Appeals, concerns, issues are referred to the CTS Accreditation Committee for resolution.


  • Accreditation lasts for 5 years, after which time the process must be repeated. A 2nd form is used for re-accreditation after 5 years that focuses on changes and updates to program. This form has not yet been designed. 
  • When rejected applications are re-submitted, the applicant indicates that this is a resubmission and the changes that have been made in response to the initial review. 
  • A spreadsheet is maintained to record when applications are sent in, the names of contact, reviewers, the outcome of the review, and the date for resubmission. 
  • The process accredits programs not people. The Committee sends a certificate to the applicant to indicate the accreditation has been made for the named program and for the stipulated period of time (5 years). 
  • The Committee writes an Annual Report for LSAC executive and the CTS Accreditation Committee that details annual activity including the number of programs involved, how many accredited versus not and why not, and exemplars.
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